A great offer

Foundations of Mindful Well-Being: 

Everyday Resilience

This bundle plants the seeds for overall resilience. Using many skills you are familiar with, placed in the context of the most current brain science, you can learn to intentionally guide yourself to feeling more nourished, and less tired or drained. Each session guides you through the research, practices for cultivating well-being and reflections to help you embody and sustain practices to help you live life your on your own terms.

What do you mean by Foundations?

These five sessions plant the seeds for a more balanced and connected life.  They are foundational because the practices are short and natural to integrate into your day to day life.

Short times, many times

Each of these sessions give you tools to implement into your life.  The hardest part about mindfulness is incorporating it into your day-to-day, and we really center around this idea in this series.

Feel Less Stressed

The Pause, Training the Active Mind, and Our Stress Response are a great foundation to understanding your own stress and how it impacts you.

Focus on the Good

Compassion and Cultivating Positivity help you cultivate kindness, and appreciate the small, impactful moments in your daily life.

What's in the Bundle?

  • 5 Unique Sessions
  • 45-60 Minutes of Video Content per Session
  • Course can be taken in 2-4 Minute Increments at the Participants Convenience
  • 2-3 Mindfulness Practices per Session
  • Downloadable Certificate of Completion for each Session (2 hours of learning each)
  • Additional PDF of Resources for Long-Term Reference
  • Weekly Email Boosters to Remind Participants to Schedule Courses into Their Day
  • Online Discussion Board to Connect with Others and Build Community

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Courses included

Foundations of Mindful Well-Being

Everyday Resilience

Five sessions to plant the seeds for a happier life!

What You Walk Away With...

  • Learn to develop nurturing habits rather than feeling progressively drained from wrestling with recurring thoughts and strong emotions. 

  • Practice guiding your attention to increase mental clarity, inner stability, creativity, and focus. 

  • Incorporate purposeful pauses to cope with stress, reduce bias and reactivity, and lay the foundation for more meaningful and connected relationships. 

  • Learn how qualities such as happiness, generosity, compassion and kindness can be hardwired by harnessing the power of neuroplasticity. 

  • Create a plan for your personal well-being based on your values and motivations, and observe the ripple effect your best self has on those around you.

What our learners say

I had a  busy week with several pressing deadlines.  Having the concept of shifting from doing to being mode fresh in my mind, I took short moments throughout the day to step outside, ground myself in my body, and take in a dose of nature through my senses - paying attention to the breeze on my face, the slight changes in temperature and colors of the leaves on the vines on our deck, sounds of kids playing nearby.  These small shifts were refreshing, and I felt more resilient to carry on with a measure of grace and kindness toward myself.
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I am trying to practice some type of mindfulness each day. Sometimes it is taking a pause and being aware of being vs doing. I am trying to be more present when I give my kids hugs or even when we are watching something on tv to not use my phone at the same time. I try to go on a 30 min walk every day and during this walk I try to be more aware of my surroundings and enjoy the sounds and sights.

Foundations Of Mindful Well-Being

Everyday Resilience

These five sessions plant the seeds for a happier life!